Welcome to the West Coker Scout Group website

This site contains information on West Coker scouting, it's people, group and section information, historic data and contacts as well as the latest news and developments which are shaping scoutings future within West Coker, East Somerset District, Somerset and beyond!

West Coker Scout Group provides adventurous activities and personal development opportunities for boys and girls between the ages of 6 - 14 years of age. Personal development means promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well being of individuals and to help them achieve their full potential. 

West Coker Scout Group runs the full range of sections within the scout association starting with the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. We also host an Explorer unit (14 - 18yrs) for East Somerset District at our Head quarters. 

West Coker Scout Group shares it's hall with the the West Coker Guiding sections who operate Rainbows and Brownie sections for girls. 

Privacy Statement for the website: 

The Scout Association Data Protection Policy can be found here. Also, to get in contact with The Scout Association with regards to a Subject Access Request (SAR), please email legal.services@scouts.org.uk.

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